Friday 11 July 2008

2008's Album Disappointments (Part Two)

We Are Scientists ‘With Love And Squalor’ is one of the best albums I own, and when I heard the first single ‘After Hours’ from the new album ‘Brain Thrust Mastery’ I was expecting another solid release from the Californians. This is where the disappointment comes in the album is really, really poor and apart from the lead single ‘After Hours’ there is not a song on there that I could really get enthusiastic about. We Are Scientists really proved that that second album is extremely difficult to master and this album is my biggest disappointment of 2008.

Cajun Dance Party were hotly tipped by just about everyone to hit the big time (including myself) and while this might happen the debut album ‘The Colourful Life’ is a major disappointment. After such promise with the demo’s everyone had for a while there was a real hope this band could bring out a fantastic debut album. Sadly the album is not what I expected and after a couple of listens I felt really disappointed because I really expected a great release. The problem is all the songs are ones we’ve had for ages and most of the recordings seem flat. Bernard Butler produced the album and I’m afraid to say that the ex Suede man has not done a very good job.

I’ve been waiting a good two years for Cazals to release an album (and to play some shows outside of London). The debut album ‘What Of Our Future’ was one of my most looked forward to albums of 2008 so when I finally got hold of the album I was very excited to listen to it. The album starts very well with ‘New Boy In Town’, ‘To Cut A Long Story Short’ and ‘Somebody Somewhere’ but throughout the songs (including the first three) you can’t help thinking that the demos were a lot better. All the songs have been slowed down with added random electronic bits here and there and generally. It’s a real shame when a band has so many great songs but they are ruined by production, because the band had so much potential but the album to me is a big let down.

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