Monday, 4 August 2008


Bryan Singer found his fame with his critically acclaimed film and one of my favourite films of all time, The Usual Suspects back in 1995. Five years on he was releasing highly anticipated X-Men, everybody watched (well I think everybody) the cartoon series as a child. I used to tune in to Fox Kids when I was small to make sure I watched the series about those X-Men and women of course.

For some reason I’ve never seen the film until today even though I’ve seen the second film X2, how that came about I really have no idea. X-Men is basically like the TV series Heroes which I am pretty sure most of you have seen / know what it’s about. Despite this comparison X-Men IS different because all the characters feel like superheroes and the characters are far better, obviously.

The world isn’t ready for mutants (X-Men) and considers them dangerous and wants them to come out and own up to whom they are and what they can do. The problem with the world of mutants is that there are bad ones and there are good ones. Magneto falls into the bad category along with his troops Sabre Tooth, Toad and Mystique. Where as Charles Xavier, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops and Rogue are part of the good guys of the film.

The cast is as good as any superhero film out there, any film which includes Sir Ian McKellen as the bad guy works for me. Hugh Jackman is the perfect Wolverine; in fact he is Wolverine just as Christopher Reeve is Superman. I couldn’t imagine Wolverine as anyone else, it would be wrong. Patrick Stewart is definitely the ideal Charles Xavier and Halle Berry is faultless as Storm. Bryan Singer’s 2000 X-Men definitely remains one of the best superhero films made to date.

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